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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

On Work, Part 1

Disclaimer: This will be a series of blogs I will write about how I think about work - mine and in general. Over the previous months I've come up with a lot of ideas about how work should be regarded, how we should be working and why we shouldn't be taking work lightly.



I enjoy work.

I think I am passionate about work, among other things. We can go overnight in the office continuously working except for the 2-3 hours of rest in between long shifts. Not that I'm complaining. I enjoy having the opportunity to make myself bigger and the chance to be given work to do and accomplish something.

I've seen a motivational video on Youtube that said something similar (I wasn't able to bookmark the video but I will probably post it in the next blog of this series if I chance upon it). It said that in order to be successful you need to need it as much as you need air.

It's as if you're struggling to survive - that's how it's supposed to be. That sounds harsh but it's true. Half-assed people never made it in life. Half-assed efforts never achieved anything worthwhile.

After all, there's beer waiting for people who deserve it after a hard day's work.