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Friday, October 11, 2013

On Work Part 2: Thoughts on Working Hard and Trying to Succeed

What is success?

It might mean a lot of things for different people, but I think we can agree that success is surviving
stormy Valero street at 6am

Is it the attainment of material things and enjoying experiences that exemplify the very meaning of being successful? Is it the freedom from financial woes and the stability and security of one's lifestyle that define it? Is it having a handful of people you let inside your walls and keep constant contact with?

Is the idea of being successful (whatever it means for each one of us) what drives us further? It drives us to greater heights, to greener pastures and better lifestyles, but is it the real meaning of success?

Perhaps we see success differently. We can only argue what we think constitutes being successful.

I've read a blog from five years ago. I've never read something that has that many swear words making so much sense, but the meaning goes way beyond the language. It was the expression. The intent of writing. The meaning beyond words is what mattered and what hit me is the awful truth that life, well, it isn't easy. You gotta know what you want in life, work hard for it, and accept the shit life gives you in the pursuit of what you want.


Why I think working harder than everyone else is necessary to succeed.

Working hard is, what I think, the main ingredient of even surviving in life. Cultivating great ideas allow you to succeed. But working hard is necessary. Especially in a workplace that grinds the faint-hearted and rewards the exceptional.

There will always be people who know better than you. Who know a lot more than what you know. Who can always kick your butt if they were ever so willing to do so. That's why you have to put in more hours than them to learn what they know and master their craft, build your own set of expert-level skills, and trump them in the arena called the workplace.

I can't say my work is always pixel-perfect (on the contrary I commit mistakes often), but persistent learning and hard work will push me to a level that I commit less mistakes (in life and in work). What I can say for sure is, I push myself further and farther to achieve my set goals.


I've been training Muay Thai for quite some time now. I've gotten stronger, I think, and endured cuts and bruises in the process.

Let's connect through Instagram. I post there more often

I was asked by one of the trainors what my reasons are for training. I told him I wanted to learn the martial art. I will probably move on to another once I'm confident of my skills - probably Pencak Silat, Kempo or if I have the money to buy a katana (which I really, really want) Kenjutsu. It's only recent that I've acquired the love of seriously learning martial arts, for they are indeed art forms.

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