The Travis Chiong Blog. Read for your Pleasure.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

You Probably Won't Want To Read This

I will not go straight to the point on this blog. I will go to lengths in its exposition and you'll know when the point has already been explained.


Living through the shit that I should call human interaction, I have come to observe some facts that are essential to keeping functional relationships with other people. Here are some:

1. There are different schools of thought when it comes to sharing your shit through social media. Some may abhor the fact that you're airing your dirty laundry in public, while some may claim that if you do not like what you see then GTFO. I think we should choose sides among these two and carry on.

2. People in social media (and in real life) tend to project a better image of themselves towards other people - especially towards other people they don't have the luxury of sharing their shit to (yet). I say let them be and that the truth always looks glittery from the outside.

3. People will only remember you when they need something from you. It's a society where people strive to survive and do whatever it takes, so there's nothing wrong with that. But don't expect to maintain a sincere relationship after giving them what they need, for they only need you for what you have and nothing more.

4. You can have different circle of friends, or have a basic set of people you can count on support from - what matters is the trust you can give and expect from them.

5. You need trust - trust other people and win their trust - and nurture it.

6. You cannot flirt with every person you see in Instagram or Facebook. Yes, not everyone sees liking every self portrait photo of a person that he/she posts as harmless. Liking a self portrait means you like the photo that person shared; liking every self portrait of the same person means you like the same person.

7. I have learned the concept of rebooting. A new version of yourself, so to speak. A version 2, deprived of bugs and errors from the previous version. And apparently, from what I've been going through these past months, doing a reboot of one's life is fairly easy - especially if you have the reasons for doing so.

8. This is a world where you can only nurture human relationships if you understand and if you emphatize with how others think. Recognize other people's opinions and always believe that there will always be people better than you.

9. Walking through life and your own pursuit of happiness devoid of the light of rules in human relationships means you're going to be stepping on other people's toes. Be wary of those toes you step on and choose whose toes to step on.

Here's a potato. You're welcome.

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